Golden Week! It's vacation time, but I have no plans! I need to get some because sitting around and being lazy is not going so well. I did nothing yesterday, and today I just feel all ick and have a weird leg cramp. Plans! Must get them! I do have a couple things going on this week, but mostly it's looking grim. Maybe Disney? They are finally open again! I'm so so so happy! It was dark times knowing that they were closed for so long. And then Land was open, but not Sea. But as of a couple days ago, both are open again with normal hours. Happiness! Going might help me like the Yurakucho line again. It used to seem magical because I hardly ever used it unless I was going to Disney, but now it is super not magical because it takes me to work and is often delayed. Frustration! It would be nice if it was magical again though.
In aftershock news, they're getting better. There was a pretty big one a couple weeks ago while I was at work, but they've been okay since then. Haven't been woken up by one all week! I mean, we're still shaking a lot, but it has seemed a bit calmer recently. (Haha, there actually was one while I was typing this post!)
Since my commute is so long these days, I feel like I've done little besides go to work, work, and come home. But I have been trying to make the most of my commute. I hadn't been reading much, but since I have time now on the train, I've gone through quite a few books. The best was a reread of The Neverending Story, which is such a lovely book and highly recommended, especially if you've just seen the movie. I've also been playing Pokémon Black since it recently came out in English. I'm not far in, but I like it so far.
Enjoy some super random pictures I've taken recently!
Oops, busy month. So a couple days after my last entry, I went to Osaka with C-chan. Work was canceled for that week, so we had some free time, and we were sick sick sick of the aftershocks. Osaka was so calm! It was really nice to relax for a little while, although there was some ever-present stress about how much packing needed to be done in Tokyo to move out of our apartments. Anyway, managed to book a room the night before and then shinkansened there first thing Thursday morning. It was a clear day, so we were lucky enough to have a gorgeous view of Fuji-san for ages! Visited the aquarium, had okonomiyaki, met up with some friends. Went to Kyoto as well to visit Kinkakuji and wander up to Kiyomizu-dera (I was devastated to discover that the amazing vegetarian restaurant from my last Kyoto visit was gone). Got back to Tokyo on Sunday; after the normalcy of Osaka, the empty shelves, infrequent trains, and dark stations of Tokyo were really strange. But it didn't take long to get used to it.
Finished work at the end of March. My last week was so hard! I didn't expect to get so emotional. But I ended up crying so much, after classes, during classes, during our farewell party. I was ready to leave, but it was a bit sad too. I'll miss so many people there! I had a week off and then got talked into working a bit longer, but at a different school. So I've been helping out at Toyosu school for a couple weeks. Am going to stay on for about a month more, then hopefully a vacation and then super hopefully another job!
During my week off, I moved. I'm living in a guest house now, which means I've got my own room, but bathroom and kitchen are shared. It's not bad! I mean, the place is ridiculously ugly, but it's kind of so ugly that I just can't hate it. And I quite like the area, and I like that utilities and internet are included in my rent so I don't need to worry about them. Anyway, I'm not homeless, so I'm pretty happy!
Lots of friend time this weekend! And lovely weather! We're still shaking a lot and things aren't back to normal, but I'm feeling pretty content.