Saturday, June 18, 2011

Apologies for the lack of updates! I've been trying to get Hong Kong stuff up, but it's unbelievably difficult to condense a week of amazingness into a blog post! I had hoped to get it up this week, but it'll have to wait a while longer.

On Monday one of my friends suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. This week has just been shocking and surreal and so so sad. It's still so hard to believe. I'd just had sushi with him a few days before, and we'd talked about having sushi again this week (and, like, every week from now on). Instead, Clare and I had lunch with his family at the place where we would have gone. It seemed really fitting; I had been so worried about meeting his family - what does one say? - but they were so kind, and it helped to talk about him with them. I hope it helped them too.

Anyway, trying to sort Hong Kong stuff has been set aside so I can find pictures and videos and anything his family might appreciate.

I'll try to get back to properly updating this thing again as soon as I can. Love you all!


  1. Being so sad with you. :-( I am sure that any pictures and videos you can share with his family will be helpful. You are their link to him, and I know they appreciate you lots.

    You don't need to apologize for not getting your Hong Kong trip posted yet - I know you took tons of pics, and had so many adventures there. We all can wait patiently!!


  2. This is very sad news. It must of been so shocking and devastating to you and your friends. I'm really glad you were able to spend some time with Richard's family though, and I'm sure they appreciated it.

    Sending you much love and thinking of you!!
