Sunday, June 21, 2009

rainy season

Rain rain rain rain rain.

I have never lived anywhere with a rainy season before! It is very, well, wet. I don't mind that, but it's also very humid, which I am not into (for one thing, it makes my hair completely uncontrollable). Japanese summer: not turning out to be my favorite season.

Last weekend I saw Star Trek in the theater. First cinematic experience in Japan! It was more expensive than home, but you get an assigned seat and everyone sits politely through the credits. Very different! I liked the experience and the movie.

Today I am craving mac and cheese. I would kill for Kraft dinner; powdered cheese product sounds amazing right now. Most of the time I love love love food here, Japanese or otherwise, but sometimes I just want something that tastes like it does at home. Difficult to find! The only things I can think of right now that I've had here that taste like at home are a churro at Disneyland and the food at a nearby Indian restaurant (a place I really need to go to again, as it was super duper delish). Plan for the day: figure out where I can find Kraft dinner in Tokyo.

Yeah, you only wish your life was exciting as mine. Getting rained on, watching movie credits, going grocery in Tokyo is at all times a life of glamor!

(Also, I haven't forgotten about apartment pictures! I just need to remember to pick up new batteries for my camera.)


  1. Oh, your poor hair - super humidity is not good!! I will have to send you some Kraft mac & cheese next time there is enough stuff to send. Hopefully you find some before then though!! :-)

  2. Glad you liked Star Trek - apparently my recommendation was not amiss. Interesting to hear about how they sit through the credits. Now the big question: are you going to see HP in a few weeks? And, equally as important, did you find Kraft Mac & Cheese?

  3. I hope I'll get to HP in a few weeks! I walk by this giant ad for it every day on my way to the station, so it makes me really want to go!

    And I had no luck finding mac & cheese! I ended up making some from scratch, but it did not satisfy my craving. Maybe I'll search again this weekend!

  4. Sounds like a care package is in need! We'll have to see what we can do! :)
    Glad you liked Star Trek though!
