Monday, March 22, 2010

30 Seconds: Ueno Station


  1. Thanks for the 30 seconds at Ueno Station!! Wow, those trains sure do come in and out at a fast speed!! Was that a chime I heard before the one train headed out? It seemed that I heard a chime, and then a voice. Was the woman announcing the train that was coming in? I was hoping that a train would come right close to you!! :-)

  2. The Little Blonde Girl22 March, 2010 19:08

    Is that what you look at when you talk on the International pay phones? It was interesting to watch, either way, though it would have been ridiculous if a bullet train went WHOOSH!!!ing by. :) Maybe next video. :)

  3. Yeah, you heard the announcement for the next train. And a train couldn't come close to me - I wasn't actually at the station, I was across the road from it.

    And, no, that's not what I see if I use those phones! I wasn't at home; I was at Ueno Park. My station isn't nearly so busy! And unfortunately, while Ueno is a shinkansen stop, the tracks aren't where I was! Another time, definitely!
