Monday, September 20, 2010

Let the Birthmonth Festivities Commence!

Due to the happy chance of my friend Andrew's birthday being on September 18 and mine being exactly a month later, the period between our two birthdays is henceforth Super Duper Jendrew Birthmonth Jumpin' Time! The festivities began last night with food and drinks at Ba-tsu in Roppongi. I particularly enjoyed the cheese (so expensive in Japan and a little difficult to find interesting kinds) and garlicky fries and this mango drink and sangria. We then moved on to AgeHa in Shin-Kiba. AgeHa is a ridiculously massive club. My favorite DJ, Shinichi Osawa, happened to be playing, so I got to see him for the third time this year! Always amaaaaazing. We managed to end up near the front during his set, so that was excitement.

I wore some shoes I hadn't worn in, like, a year. At first I was thinking, "Why haven't I worn these in so long? They're so comfortable!" But after two hours of dancing I remembered how they gradually squeeze the toes more and more and make you want to die. Or sit down. I chose the latter option, and experienced Laidback Luke's set from a chair instead of the dance floor.

Had a little nap in the club and a massive rudely-lying-down-on-the-seats nap on the train home. And a million naps at home all day today! Lovely!


  1. I wonder why cheese is so expensive in Japan - it is such a basic food. I'm glad that you got to enjoy some!!

    You will have to remember to only wear those shoes for a short while, and not for dancing!! Squished toes are not fun.

    All this napping - do you think maybe you were up too late??!! :-) You better watch out if you do those rude things on the train - your picture might end up on one of those funny posters!!

  2. Yay Shinichi was awesome and we had such a great view of him. Thank you for not dying in the club, dragging you out would have been a pain..
    Hmmm our train sleep was pretty obnoxious but highly necessary :p

  3. Woo hoo, I am going to have to celebrate this SDJBJT thing...sounds like FUN!

  4. The Little Blonde Girl24 September, 2010 20:44

    Just the thought of you sleeping across seats on the train cracked me up...I can only imagine how appalled people were, avoiding looking at you, but judging you at the same time. :) I am celebrating your and Andrew's birthmonth from the States but totally wish I could be THERE to help celebrate!!!
