Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oedo Adventure (to be continued...someday...)

Friday was a day off, which was lovely. Not so lovely was the weather, which was cold and snowy. Since the weather was bad, we decided to have an indoor adventure and collect stamps from the Oedo subway line. We started in Hikarigaoka, and left the subway in Yoyogi for lunch (Shakey's, which was a location debut for me as we went to Harajuku). It was so busy! There was a line that extended outside, which was miserable to wait in with the weather how it was, but when we finally got inside to warmth and pizza, it all seemed worthwhile. Especially when I snagged a bunch of double cheese pizza and amaaaazing brownie dessert pizza. Healthy! Then a bit of shopping before setting out to get back to an Oedo station. Got a bit distracted along the way and ended up getting some coffee, but we made it back eventually. Made it as far as Kachidoki before we stopped, as it was getting a little late and we still had quite a few stations to go. But! We got more than halfway! It was much more time consuming than we expected. We failed to really think about how much time it took to get from the platform up to the gate (where the stamps were). And then there had to be a photoshoot at every station to commemorate our stop and, yeah, it took much longer than I foresaw. I think we got more efficient as time went on (especially once we started using elevators instead of the sometimes endless escalators), but the first few stations were slow going. Anyway, I spent my day off visiting subway stations, and it was amazingly good fun.

Glad I had such a nice day before Saturday, which ended up being one of the busiest and most stressful days at work ever. Do. Not. Enjoy.

Sunday was lovely though! Went for Hawaiian pancakes (we talked about making Surf's Up Sunday a tradition way back in October, but this was the first time we actually managed it), then to my friend's band's gig, then to karaoke, then to an izakaya, then home for a relaxing night.

Enjoy a few pics of our epic Oedo journey, including me sitting on some random station art, the actual act of stamping, our coffee cups, and one of many reflection pictures.


  1. What a fun day - certainly different from most days off, eh?! Your hair looks like it is part of your coat - it has really gotten long!! :-) I like the Pacific Coast House cups - do they make good coffee? I bet it was nice to warm up with on such a cold, snowy day!!

  2. The Little Blonde Girl17 February, 2011 17:47

    Oh, I really like this idea, of visiting as many different stations as possible, and stamping at them. FUN! Ah, Shakeys. No seafood pizza for you? I guess if Nicole wasn't there to gag on the smell, it wasn't an absolute necessity, huh? ;)

  3. Yeah, my hair's super long. I keep meaning to cut it off, but I haven't got around to it yet.

    And the coffee was fine, nothing special really. It was warm and relaxing though, which is what we were looking for.

    There was some squid ink pizza, but I decided not to go for that one. Do not enjoy black pizza.
