Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am on vacation this week! So far there have been two earthquakes and massive amounts of rain! Yay, vacation!

I only felt one of the earthquakes. Unfortunately, it was not the one that happened a couple nights ago while I was awake, but the one that happened a little after 5 this morning and rudely woke me up. Why, earthquake, why? Don't you know I want to sleep in?

Was going to go to a fireworks festival tonight, but it's been postponed due to potential typhoon.

It hasn't all been earthquakes and bad weather though. There have been good food and shopping and dancing and hanging out times too! And hopefully later in the week there will be hot springs times and beach times.

For today, maybe the plan is for relaxing times.


  1. I think it is just nice to have "I don't have to go to work" times!! Enjoy, and I'll tell the earthquakes and typhoons to leave you alone!! How does that sound? :-) And, we will all be wanting lots of vacation pics you know!!

  2. I don't have to go to work times are indeed very nice!

    The typhoon did leave us alone! I carried an umbrella around all day for, like, 5 drops of rain at 11 pm. I'm glad it listened to you!
