Tuesday, September 1, 2009

a whine for help

I haven't done anything interesting lately. This weekend started off promisingly - it was not hot - but then it turned typhoony, so in an effort to stay dry I just ended up hanging around home or Starbucks and reading (seriously, 5 books in 3 days; it was totes ridiculous). And I bought food. And toilet paper. THRILLING.

So I think that you, gentle reader, should give me inspiration. Ask me questions! About my life in Japan! Or Japan in general! Or me in general! And then I can make an entry out of answering them! Because I don't imagine I'll have much to talk about for the next couple weeks; later in the month I'm visiting the Kansai region, but until then, I have no plans. Just work. And reading. And going to the grocery store.


  1. OK - how about telling about the grocery store. Is there anything amazing or different about it? How is it trying to figure out what things are? Have you bought anything that turned out to be completely different from what you thought it would be? I am sure it isn't as easy as going to Uwajimaya - no little cheater English labels!! Maybe you could take some pictures of some interesting packaging. And, here is a little question about you - are you becoming proficient in bowing? :-)

  2. I demand the following: What has surprised you the most so far, about living in Japan? How proficient do you think you're becoming in speaking Japanese? Do you feel the experience has made you more brave than you were going into it?

    And now, fluffy questions: What is the current flavor of the month over there? (You mentioned that it changes every month or so, what flavor is popular.) What's your current order at Starbucks? What is the cutest thing you have seen recently?

    And most importantly: did you name your various tofu pillows? Or do you just call them "tofu?" :D

  3. Ok here's a question...are the Japanese interested in looking at your pretty blue eyes? And, have you seen any cute guys lately? :)

  4. Do you always take the same subway to work or do you mix it up? Do you try to sit in the same car or do you mix it up? Do you see the same local people coming & going in your commute? Do you ever speak with them? What flavor of toothpaste is in your bathroom? Lastly...when you drink sake do you get all mixed up? :-)

  5. Jen: Do you hear much about the Japanese baseball teams? Also, do you hear anything about Ichiro* and the Seattle Mariners?
    *Ichiro hit his 200th base hit today making this the ninth year that he has hit over 200 base hits in a season. ~ Lots of Japanese photographers recording the event. Love your blog! Peggy (your mom's weird friend)
