Saturday, February 6, 2010

30 Seconds: Tsukiji Fish Market

Last Monday, I went to the Tsukiji fish market. It was terrifying and exciting. I'll have more in-depth commentary on it in a day or two, but for now, enjoy (more than) 30 seconds of how-will-I-ever-cross-this-path-without-dying.


  1. Wow! That IS busy!!! At least you didn't have to cross that path AND dodge flying fish, like at the fish place at Pike Place Market!!! :) Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures at the fish market! :)

  2. Oh, my goodness - motorized carts (of all sizes), bicycles, small trucks, and lots of people walking - I am glad you didn't get run over!! I think I would have been a bit disturbed being in all that activity. That is a huge place, and so full of fish - I bet the smell was quite pungent!! Ewwwww!! :-)
