Sunday, November 1, 2009

We get you there with time to spare!

Greetings from rainy Kyoto! I have returned to Kansai for another little holiday. I had a much happier time getting here because this time I took the shinkansen! I didn't take the fastest one (although I want to try that one someday), but even the slower one got me here super fast. Three and a bit hours (compared to about 8 on the night bus). MAGICAL. It was super comfortable too! And I could see lots of scenery!

Tokyo's weather was lovely this morning, but it was raining when I got to Kyoto. I didn't really mind - I went to Gion before I checked into my hostel, and it lent the area a nice atmosphere - but then my umbrella broke. I didn't get too wet, as it wasn't raining that hard, but it was still annoying.

Tomorrow I will probably go to Osaka to enjoy takoyaki and other assorted delights (not just shopping like last time I was there).

Enjoy pictures of my legs and all the space they had, a little bit of the train, and some random scenery along the way.


  1. I didn't realize that the shinkansen is the bullet train. It is though, isn't it? The image on the side of the train tipped me off. I never knew that the bullet train ran at different speeds. Your first two scenery pics could be just about anywhere. But, the last one is definitely Japan. The houses all smooshed together along with the distinctive roofs gave it away. Your legs look like they were very happy with all that space!! :-)

  2. Yes, yes, the shinkansen is the bullet train! And yeah, there are different services with different speeds, depending on how many stops they make.

    The first scenery picture is definitely Japan! Look at the building in the field! It's super Japanese! We passed by lots of cool stuff that I would have liked to take pictures of, but we were going too fast for me to capture most of it.

  3. Oh, you are so right!! I think I was mostly looking in the distance on that first pic. I must not have noticed that little building in the field. It is very Japanese, indeed!! :-)

  4. I think the first "scenery" pic is interesting because of the little straw tents they've made in the field! Too bad your umbrella broke - maybe you can buy a cute one that looks like tofu?! ;)

  5. I also thought the first pic was interesting. Just what are those "tents" anyway? The crop underneath is so green it makes me think those are not something that has just been cut. Maybe they are covers for something else? Love the leg pic. You had WAY more room than we did on our flight from Atlanta to Seattle on Saturday! Very cool!

  6. Yeah, I'm not sure what the crop is or what the "tents" are. MYSTERIOUS.

    And I totally want a tofu umbrella! I've never seen one though. Must keep an eye out.
