Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hola...or something like that.

Oh, internet! How I have not had access to you!

Just a quick entry from an internet cafe to say that I am alive and well and loving Japan. I was in training for the past week, but now have a couple days off before I start work. Moving into my apartment on Monday, yay (and getting a phone, super yay)! Today we went down to Kamakura and saw the giant Buddha which was so totally amazing. Tomorrow, doing some Tokyo exploring.

Love it here so much. It felt like home the moment I stepped off the plane. Hard to believe I`ve only been here a little over a week.

More later!


  1. Yay! Glad to hear you are loving Japan! Send some pictures when you can, we would love to see where you are living!

    Love, Aunt Carolyn :)

  2. Lady Jen of the Kingdom of Tech Edit! Greetings from your loyal fans!

    I am so happy to hear that you arrived safe and sound. I hope your Japanese experience turns out to be everything you hoped it would be.

    Waiting to hear more about your adventures --

  3. Sounds like, so far, Japan is living up to your expectations. Since you feel so at home there I'd be willing to bet you've lived there in another life. :-) We'll all be waiting for more news and pictures.

    Love and Hugs, Beba

  4. I am so glad that you're feeling at home in Japan!! I demand an entry on the copious amounts of sushi that you're consuming. YUM. :D LOVE YOU!!!
