Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kansai - Day Four (Nara and Kyoto)

Day four, and again we stopped for onigiri at the conbini on our way to the station and Nara.

Nara is famous for its deer. They are messengers from the gods and are allowed to just wander around. You can buy food and feed them. THIS IS VERY SCARY. They are kind of aggressive, so they sometimes fight over food and bite at you to get food and back you into corners if you don't give them food fast enough. It was kind of terrifying, but still cool enough that we did it twice.

I don't recommend Nara as a place to take kids; we saw so many kids crying because they were scared of the deer. One little girl just took off screaming when one came near her.

We visited Todai-ji temple which is the home of the largest wooden building in the world which houses a big Buddha. I think it's bigger than the one in Kamakura, but it looks smaller, I think because it is indoors. Anyway, it was lovely. And I got my fortune there, and it was a very good one.

We thought about heading back to Fushimi Inari, but found we were too tired, so we just went back to Kyoto station and ate okonomiyaki and then hung out around the station checking out the shops and the views and the Starbucks until it was time to catch our bus.

おおきに、Kansai! I had a great time!

Please enjoy deer and Todai-ji in Nara.


  1. Those deer would have scared me!! In the pic where you are feeding one, it looks like there is another right behind you. It was probably sneaking up on you!! The temple is gorgeous - not just the building, but the setting too. It looks so peaceful!! What a great trip you had!!

  2. Umm, I am frightened of the deer in the pics - there are WAY too many of them! No wonder the kids were scared!!!

    Wow, the temple is amazing. It looks huge! And the Buddha looks happy and peaceful there. Would love to visit that area - looks very tranquil.

    Thanks for posting all you did from your trip! It was fun to travel "with" you! :)
