Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kansai - Day Three (Kyoto)

Day three started with another trip to the conbini for onigiri. Then we headed to Arashiyama. We first visited a bamboo forest. There were a lot of people there, but it was still really peaceful and had a nice atmosphere.

We headed towards Togetsukyo (a famous bridge) next and wandered around taking pictures for a while before going to our ultimate Arashiyama destination, Iwatayama Monkey Park. First we had to hike up a little mountain. Then, all of a sudden, there were monkeys everywhere! We went into a hut and fed some monkeys from in there, and then we went back outside and totally just hung out with monkeys for a long time. There were some baby monkeys! They were so cute!

We ate some udon before leaving Arashiyama and then headed to Kinkaku-ji temple (the Golden Pavilion) and Ryoan-ji temple (famous for its rock garden). After a very long walk back to the station from Ryoan-ji (we thought it would be maybe 20 minutes, but it was at least twice that), we headed back home and enjoyed the public bath again.

Please enjoy the cutest statues I've ever seen (in Arashiyama), a couple views of the bamboo forest, a couple views around the bridge, some monkeys, a couple pics of Kinkaku-ji, a big pile of money at Kinkaku-ji (people try to throw it into the bowl), and the pond and rock garden at Ryoan-ji.


  1. Sounds like you had lots of onigiri on your trip - what flavors did you have? Those statues are so cute - how tall were they? They would be very nice in a garden. Loved the monkeys - especially the one sitting on the post - he looks like he is surveying his kingdom!! And, of course, all of the other pics are very lovely too!!

  2. I love the statues!!! They are indeed the cutest I have seen as well. The combed rock garden is awesome - I really admire their diligence because there is NO WAY I could do that.

  3. I have lots of onigiri all the time! I think on the trip I had a lot of salmon flavor.

    The statues weren't big. Maybe the biggest was a foot tall or so? I don't really remember.
